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  C/ De sa barrera, 24 – Urb. Ses Salines – 07748 – Fornells - Menorca ·        T. 971 37 64 10       

Ya tenemos cerrado y nos vemos el año que viene. Gracias.

Ja tenim tancat i ens veiem l'any que ve. Gràcies.

We're closed now and see you next year. Thank you.

For more than 30 years, we have selected the best products from our land to bring them to the table with a traditional proposal. We put all our experience at the service of a gastronomic evening where the authentic flavor of grilled meat merges with a warm and familiar experience.

Ca na Marga is the true meeting point for grilled meat lovers. A unique culinary proposal where tradition is retrieved and merged with new flavors that are part of its own character.


